Frekuensi Siaran CCTV 17 dan CCTV 10 di Satelit ChinaSat 6B Cband

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Frekuensi Siaran CCTV 17 dan CCTV 10 di Satelit ChinaSat 6B Cband

Frekuensi Siaran CCTV 17 dan CCTV 10 di Satelit ChinaSat 6B Cband - Berikut adalah frekuensi siaran CCTV 17 dan CCTV 10 untuk di Satelit ChinaSat 6B cband (115.5°E) di tahun 2021 ini.

Pantauan Tvplwcom siaran CCTV 17 dan CCTV 10 di satelit ChinaSat 6B cband hadir dengan kualitas resolusi siaran Standard Definition (SD) dan untuk menyaksikannya, silahkan masukkan nomor frekuensinya berikut:

Nama Siaran : CCTV 17 / CCTV 10
Frekuensi : 3840 
Simbol Rate : 27499
Polaritas : H (horizontal)

CCTV 17 adalah saluran TV tentang pertanian yang dimiliki oleh China Central Television dan memulai siaran pada 23 September 2019. 

CCTV 17 mempunyai beberapa program siaran seperti :
  • Sannong Group Yinghui 2021 360
  • My Beautiful Country 2021 105
  • goodbye
  • Agrometeorology
  • Field Demonstration Show 2021 223
  • Agrometeorology
  • China Sannong Report
  • Who knows plate Chinese food 2021 255
  • Sannong Group Yinghui 2021 360
  • Country Theater (column play) a good day in life 20/47
  • Country Theater (column play) a good day in life 21/47
  • I love invention 2021 243
  • Agrometeorology
  • Getting Rich 2021 255
  • My Beautiful Country 2021 105
  • Who knows plate Chinese food 2021 255
  • China Sannong Report
  • Agrometeorology 
  • Sannong Group Yinghui 2021 360
  • Young Fearless's Mighty Jinmen Episode 28
  • The Young Fearless Fearless Mighty Jinmen Episode 29
  • Young Fearless Fearless Might Become Jinmen Episode 30
  • Young Fearless Fearless's Mighty Jinmen Episode 31
  • Getting Rich 2021 255
  • Field demonstration show 2021 224
  • I love invention 2021 244
  • Who knows Chinese food 2021 256
  • Country Theater (column play) a good day in life 22/47
  • Country Theater (Column Play) a good Day in Life 23/47
  • Sannong Group Yinghui 2021 357
  • China Sannong Report
  • Agrometeorology
  • Getting Rich 2021 256
  • My Beautiful Country 2021 183
  • I love invention 2021 244
  • Field demonstration show 2021 224

Frekuensi Siaran CCTV 17 dan CCTV 10 di Satelit ChinaSat 6B Cband

CCTV 10 adalah saluran TV yang berfokus pada sains dan pendidikan yang dimiliki oleh China Central Television di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok.

CCTV 10 mempunyai beberapa program siaran seperti :
  • Hundreds of Forums 2021 335
  • Character story 2021 231
  • Innovation in progress 2021 244
  • Travel with books 2021 225
  • Healthy Way 2021 335
  • goodbye
  • Reading 2021 322
  • Fashion Technology Show-2021 335
  • Baijia Telling Stories 2021 335
  • Exploration·Discovery 2021 339
  • Appreciation 2020 2
  • Decoding History of Science and Technology 2021 85
  • Healthy Way 2021 335
  • Exploration·Discovery 2021 339
  • Nature Legend 2021 290
  • Baijia Telling Stories 2021 335
  • Geography·China 2021 335
  • Fashion Technology Show 2021 336
  • Hundreds of Forums 2021 336
  • Taste 2021 79
  • Nature Legend 2021 289
  • Baijia Telling Stories 2021 336
  • Appreciation 2020 2
  • Reading 2021 323
  • Appreciation 2019 4
  • Fashion Technology Show 2021 336
  • Geography·China-2021 335
  • Exploration·Discovery 2021 339
  • Appreciation 2020 2
  • Baijia Telling Stories 2021 336
  • Innovation in progress 2021 244
  • Travel with books 2021 225
  • Geography·China 2021 336
  • Healthy Road 2021 336
  • Travel with books 2021 226
  • Innovation in progress 2021 245
  • Geography·China 2021 336
  • Nature Legend 2021 291
  • Let's go on ice and snow together 12
  • Exploration·Discovery 2021 340
  • Archaeology Open Class 2021 45
  • 2021 Chinese Video Records 97

sumber : cctv/tvchinese